Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lesson Learned - 1/31/13

Today's lesson comes to me from my coworker, and customer he had. No matter how upset someone gets with you, you must keep your cool and let them speak their peace. Then figure out what it is they're asking you to do, and allow your skills and the quality of your work to carry you from there. If you understand what they want and just do it with attention and integrity, your work will speak for itself to help resolve the situation. And if even that won't satisfy the other person, then there's nothing you could have done in the first place to make them happy. Quality work can take criticism. That's a very difficult lesson to remember, especially when hearing a customer's complaints, but if you do the work well (even if it takes 2 tries), you'll know it's good, and resulting boon to your own confidence will allow you to accept that criticism without internalizing it.
Fortunately in this case he was able to make that customer happy, and in the end all parties involved seemed satisfied. It's a win-win. It's a win-win-win, since I also win because I won't have to deal with any grumpy coworkers!

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