Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I work in an instrument repair shop...

and recently came across an old english horn that's badly in need of a great deal of work. Actually, I didn't "come across it" so much as had it handed to me by my coworker, who was clearly pleased at realizing that he'd finally come up with a way to stop me from complaining that I don't have an english horn to use regularly. This blog will chronicle the process of repairing and restoring that instrument to working order, with the ultimate goal being that I'll be able to use it as my own personal instrument. Do I expect that others will follow and read this blog? No. But that won't stop me from writing it as if I have an audience of thousands. So join me, imaginary reader, in this journey that will (hopefully) leave me feeling very fulfilled but really has nothing to offer you in terms of emotional satisfaction.

This is the first stage of the project - Excitement!

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