Thursday, March 22, 2018

Loree Oboe Overhaul Time-Lapse Video

I've been wanting to do a time-lapse of a major repair for some time, so when this oboe came across my bench it seemed like the perfect opportunity. This is an AZ series Loree oboe from the late 1950's that hadn't been serviced in some time, so it needed a lot of attention. 6 minutes is probably a bit too long for a time-lapse, but the job took 20+ hours so I cut out as much as I could. That means a lot of little steps have been left out and some of the tasks that are shown will appear simplified. This video doesn't begin to show the amount of fussing and fiddling that goes in to every part of a comprehensive repair, but does give an idea. Most of the steps are directed toward ensuring that the pads are dead level to the tone holes and that they will close exactly the same way, in exactly the same position, with exactly the same relationship to other keys, every time for hundreds of thousands of repetitions.
That baking soda bath to remove tarnish was somewhat effective, but this was my first time trying it and I'll need to tinker with the process to see if can be improved. There was still a lot of polishing to be done after that.
The musical accompaniments are Perpetuum Mobile and Trish-Trasch Polka, both by Johann Strauss II.

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