Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A half-hour at Schilke

Schilke was the quickest of the tours I went on during my little repairman's intermission. Partly because it's a much smaller company - only 30 employees - partly because they seemed pretty busy and maybe wanted to get me the hell out of there in the politest way possible. Also, they didn't allow photography, so the unspeakable things I saw happening in there will remain locked in my own mind.

No, actually, they were very nice and it was neat to see the legendary craftsmanship that they're know for. Surprisingly, the manufacturing process was pretty similar to what I saw at Bach despite the difference in their much lower output. They do a few things in different order and people move around a little more between stations, but there's only so many ways to crack an egg.

Egg cracking is not one of the things I saw happening. I think they outsource that.

I got a picture outside, though!

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