Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fighting "Blog Neglect"

This blog has lain dormant for awhile, partly because of a lack of motivation on my part. Based on just about every other blog on the internet, that seems like a common problem which I've named "Blog Neglect" (trademark pending). Part of my hiatus, though, has also been because I've put the project on temporary hold. At least I hope it's temporary
When I started working on the instrument, I had found it in the shop, talked to my coworker about it, and mistakenly believed that the owner had no more interest in keeping or paying to restore the instrument. I assumed it would an easy matter to contact her about purchasing it, so easy in fact that I wouldn't even need to talk to her before starting work. That's how certain I was that she'd want to get rid of the instrument. As it turns out I contacted her a few weeks ago and she wasn't as certain as I'd been about her willingness to sell. That's her prerogative of course, so while she's been mulling over whether to sell to me, I've agreed to stop my work. She knows about the work I've already done and is fine with it, and may even pay me to finish if she decides to keep the instrument for herself. We'll see - I've learned that it's best not to expect any specific outcome.

In any case I'd hate for this blog to go to waste, and for a while now I've wanted a way to keep track of the things I learn each day at work that I can apply to future repairs and to life in general. My plan from now on is to post every weekday with some lesson that I've picked up that day and ultimately end up with a wealth of information that I and others can refer back to. When my work on the english horn hopefully resumes, I'll continue to write about that along with the daily lessons, but in the meantime at least the people who stumble across this blog won't assume that it's abandoned and start smashing up the windows and doing meth in the bedrooms and squatting on the property. That's what happens to abandoned blogs, right?

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