Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lesson Learned - 10/24/12

Trombone slide dent rods are also great for removing gooseneck dents near the taper receiver. I find I usually can't reach that area with a dent rod approaching from the tuning slide end, because the dent is usually in the curve of the gooseneck and the rod can't get past that curve. Alternately, trying to use a dent rod - one that you need to apply pressure to - is ineffective when inserted through the taper end. You need to have a great length of rod outside the vise to do that, and that length will just flex, making it impossible to apply any significant pressure. But the handslide rods are nice and long, so they reach in through the taper end, they're thick and solid, so they don't flex much, and you can get pretty close to the diameter of the gooseneck for tapping.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lesson Learned - 10/12/12

It's been quite a while since I've written anything in here. Wedding planning sure does take up a lot of time. But now that the wedding's over, I have no more responsibilities ever again! I just need to sit around being waited on for the rest of my life.


Well, despite the questionable validity of that statement, my mind is as sharp as ever at work, and I do continue to learn a great deal. My most recent struggle this week was trying to get better with the "Sir James" flute mandrel, which I still need to spend a lot more time with. I do think I'm very gradually getting better with it, but I need to stew over my experiences with that tool before I can clearly articulate what it's taught me thus far.

My lesson learned today was something simple, but something that I need to write down so that I'll remember it - Bach Stradivarius trumpets take .080" thick washers on the valve stem to get the correct porting. True, 080" is just ever so slightly too thick, but I imagine that with compression over time (even though the synthetic washers we use barely compress), the porting will be pretty much right on. I need to see an instrument or two come back with the washers, though, before I can be sure of that.